Source code for dlpa.client

# Copyright (c) 2017 Junpei Kawamoto
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Client of the distributed Laplace Perturbation Algorithm (DLPA) service.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,import-error,too-many-arguments
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import calendar
import datetime

import grpc
import numpy as np

from dlpa.key import PublicKey, ClientKey
from dlpa import dlpa_pb2
from dlpa import dlpa_pb2_grpc

[docs]class DLPAClient(object): """DLPAClient provides methods the DLPA service defines. See `dlpa.proto` for more information about DLPA service. Args: host: Address of a DLPA server to connect. port: Port number of the DLPA server to connect. """ def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=50051): channel = grpc.insecure_channel( "{host}:{port}".format(host=host, port=port)) self.stub = dlpa_pb2_grpc.DLPAStub(channel)
[docs] def get_key(self, client_id): """Request a client key associated with a given client id. Args: client_id: Given ID of this client. Returns: a client key object. Raises: RuntimeError: when the GetKey protocol ends with errors. """ try: res = self.stub.GetKey(dlpa_pb2.GetKeyRequest(id=client_id)) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise RuntimeError("Cannot get keys.", e) else: pk = PublicKey( m=int(res.public_key.m), g=int(res.public_key.g), glambda=int(res.public_key.glambda) ) ck = ClientKey( pk=pk, Lambda_u=int(res.lambda_u), a=int(res.a), b=int(res.b)) return ck
[docs] def encrypt_sum(self, ck, client_id, value, rand=None, target=None): """Run Encrypt-Sum protocol to send a given value. This method returns a time slot with which the given value is associated. Args: ck: Client key. client_id: Client ID. value: Scalar or vector to be sent to the server by Encrypt-Sum protocol. rand: Use specific values as random values used in the protocol. If set None, by default, use actual random values. target: If given, store the value with a specific name in the server. Returns: Time slot number attached to the given value. """ ciphertext, transform = ck.encrypt_sum(value, rand) unix = # Send the encrypted value and receive an aggregated ciphertext. res = self.stub.PutEncryptSum(dlpa_pb2.Ciphertext( time=unix, id=client_id, value=[str(c) for c in ciphertext], target=target)) # Compute the decryption share and send it. share = transform(np.array([int(v) for v in res.value])) self.stub.PutEncryptSumShare(dlpa_pb2.DecryptionShare( slot=res.time, id=client_id, share=[str(s) for s in share], target=target)) return res.time
[docs] def encrypt_sum_squared(self, ck, client_id, value, rand, target=None): """Run Encrypt-Sum-Squared protocol to send a given value. This method returns a time slot with which the given value is associated. Args: ck: Client key. client_id: Client ID. value: Scalar or vector to be sent to the server by Encrypt-Sum-Squared protocol. rand: Use specific values as random values used in the protocol. target: If given store the value with a specific name in the server. Returns: Time slot number attached to the given value. """ ciphertext, transform = ck.encrypt_sum_squared(value, rand) unix = # Send the encrypted value and receive an aggregated ciphertext. res = self.stub.PutEncryptSumSquared(dlpa_pb2.Ciphertext( time=unix, id=client_id, value=[str(c) for c in ciphertext], target=target)) # Compute the decryption share and send it. share = transform(np.array([int(v) for v in res.value])) self.stub.PutEncryptSumSquaredShare(dlpa_pb2.DecryptionShare( slot=res.time, id=client_id, share=[str(s) for s in share], target=target)) return res.time
[docs] def encrypt_noisy_sum(self, ck, client_id, value, epsilon, rand=None): """Run Encrypt-Noisy-Sum protocol. Args: ck: Client key. client_id: Client ID. value: Scalar or vector to be sent to the server by Encrypt-Sum protocol. epsilon: Parameter to generate Laplace noises. rand: Use specific values as random values used in the protocol. If set None, by default, use actual random values. Returns: Time slot number attached to the given value. """ y, y_t, x, t = ck.encrypt_noisy_sum(value, epsilon, R=rand) unix = req = dlpa_pb2.EncryptNoisySumCiphertexts( time=unix, id=client_id, value=dlpa_pb2.CiphertextVector( c1=[str(v) for v in y[0]], c2=[str(v) for v in y[1]], c3=[str(v) for v in y[2]], c4=[str(v) for v in y[3]])) aggregation = self.stub.PutEncryptNoisySum(req) req2 = dlpa_pb2.EncryptNoisySumCiphertexts( time=aggregation.time, id=client_id, value=dlpa_pb2.CiphertextVector( c1=[ str(v) for v in y_t[0]( np.array([int(a) for a in aggregation.value.c1])) ], c2=[ str(v) for v in y_t[1]( np.array([int(a) for a in aggregation.value.c2])) ], c3=[ str(v) for v in y_t[2]( np.array([int(a) for a in aggregation.value.c3])) ], c4=[ str(v) for v in y_t[3]( np.array([int(a) for a in aggregation.value.c4])) ], c5=[str(v) for v in x] )) res = self.stub.PutEncryptNoisySumShare(req2) share = t(np.array([int(v) for v in res.value])) self.stub.PutEncryptNoisySumLastShare(dlpa_pb2.DecryptionShare( slot=res.time, id=client_id, share=[str(s) for s in share])) return res.time
[docs] def now(): """Returns a UNIX time of now. """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple())