
Roadie manages three kinds of data in a cloud storage:

  • source code,
  • data files,
  • outputted results.

To access those data, Roadie has commands source, data, and result, respectively.

source code

Source code uploaded by roadie run command with --local flag are stored in roadie://source/. source command provides methods to manage those source code.


To find source code archives stored in roadie://source/, use list sub command. The following example prints all stored archives:

$ roadie source list


To delete an archive file FILENAME, use delete sub command:

$ roadie source delete FILENAME


get sub command downloads a stored archive. The following example downloads FILENAME in the current directory:

$ roadie source get FILENAME

If you want to download to another directory, such as ~/path, give a path with -o flag:

$ roadie source get -o ~/path FILENAME


put sub command uploads your source code. The following example archives files in ~/source into source.tar.gz, and uploads it:

$ roadie source put ~/source source.tar.gz

data files

Data files are stored in roadie://data/ and referred in data of Roadie’s script files.


put sub command uploads a file to a cloud storage. The following example uploads FILENAME:

$ roadie data put FILENAME

and after uploading is succeeded, it shows the URL of the upload file.


list sub command shows uploaded files and those URLs.

$ roadie data list --url

If --url flag is not give, only file names are shown.


delete sub command deletes an uploaded file. The following example deletes FILENAME:

$ roadie data delete FILENAME


get sub command downloads an uploaded file. The following example download FILENAME into the current directory:

$ roadie data get FILENAME

If you want to download to another directory, such as ~/path, give a path with -o flag:

$ roadie data get -o ~/path FILENAME

Result files

Messages written in the standard output stdout and files specified in result of Roadie’s script file will be stored in roadie://resutl/<instance name>/.


list sub command without any options shows instance names. The following example prints a list of instance names:

$ roadie result list

list sub command with an instance name shows result files uploaded from the specified instance. The following example shows result file names uploaded from INSTANCE:

$ roadie result list INSTANCE


get sub command takes a glob pattern and downloads result files matching the given pattern. The following example downloads all result file into the current directory by using a wild card pattern *:

$ roadie result get INSTANCE "*"

If you want to download them to another directory, use -o flag. For example, the following example downloads files start with stdout into ~/path:

$ roadie result get INSTANCE "stdout*" -o `~/path`


delete sub command deletes result files matching a given glob pattern. For example, the following example deletes files end with .png:

$ roadie result delete INSTANCE "*.png"

If the glob pattern is omitted, all result files including log files will be deleted.


show sub command shows messages written in the standard output. The following example shows all messages in INSTANCE:

$ roadie result show INSTANCE

If you want to see outputted massages from i-th command in run of your script file, give the number i like

$ roadie result show INSTANCE i